Provocative artworks by a Syrian politicalcartoonist have gone on display in London.
Kit Man, 34, an app designer and budding politicalcartoonist, was happy help.
Martyn Turner Martyn Turner is a politicalcartoonist and writer.
Paul Zanetti is an Australian politicalcartoonist whose work has featured in major media outlets.
Thackeray, a former politicalcartoonist, waged a 50-year campaign against immigrants from outside the state.
The star and her second husband, Canadian football player Alexander Carson, had a son, Channing, who is a newspapercartoonist.
Stathis Stavropoulos, a leading newspapercartoonist here, has won international attention with drawings of Germans as Nazi officials barking orders at hapless Greeks.
Newspapercartoonists have spent the last few days skewering one another's national stereotypes, whether over food, language or attitude.
Treating the enemy as a figure of fun was pursued in more sophisticated ways by Ministry of Information posters and newspapercartoonists.
World War I drawings by one of Wales' most influential newspapercartoonists will be displayed online as part of a new project by Swansea University.
Uso de editorial cartoonist en inglés
Antonio Branco, an editorialcartoonist, is known for his conservative take on current affairs.
You want people to think and you want to stimulate some sort of debate, says Rod Emmerson, the New Zealand Herald's editorialcartoonist.
Expat cartoonist Alan Moir who has been the editorialcartoonist for the Sydney Morning Herald since 1984, talks on wielding power over politicians.
In 2010, the company banned apps from string of prominent editorialcartoonists for breaching a policy against "ridiculing public figures".
Editorialcartoonist for the National Business Review continuously since 1975, leading authority on hedgehogs and possums, and weekly science columnist to Wellington's Dominion Post.
The men who ran the steel mill-thetrust bosses with their top hats and diamond pinky rings, so beloved of editorialcartoonists-evidentlythought otherwise.
In the past few weeks New Zealand Herald EditorialCartoonist Rod Emmerson has been racing to keep up with the rapidly changing pre-election political scene.